Are Maine Coon Cats Hypoallergenic?

Are Maine Coon Cats Hypoallergenic?

People around the world love and cherish cats for many different reasons. For the most part, it is simply because they make lovable companions that bring us joy, comfort and we adore their characteristics as they go about daily life.

For some people, however, they offer much more than just being adorable. They provide the owner with proven health & well-being benefits and are great to love and own if you work of have a busy schedule as they are self-sufficient, and will be waiting at home to snuggle with you when you get back.

Many Maine Coon Cat owners praise just how much playing or cuddling with their Maine Coons can improve their mood or mindset. So it’s easy to see that having this loyal companion roaming your house can be a great benefit to your overall lifestyle. Maine Coons have such great & playful personalities so its plain to see how easy it is for them to brighten your day!

Cat Allergies

Aside from all the benefits of owning a Cat or a Maine Coon Cat, there are a number of people around the world that have a stumbling block to owning or wanting to own a Maine Coon or any breed of Cat. This is caused by there suspected allergy to Cats. If someone is aware of this allergy or has actively been around Cats they might have noticed some of the symptoms and will make an effort to ensure in the future they try there best to stay away.

However, in some cases people who have not noticed there Cat allergies will only find out once they own or already own a Cat. At which point they have already fallen in love with having the Cat in their home so as you can imagine it can be a difficult time and decision to consider for the owner on whether to choose to live with the symptoms, dealing with them the best you can or alternatively making the heartbreaking choice to find your Cat a new loving home.

What Can Cause Cat Allergies? (Important things to know!)

What Can Cause Cat Allergies?

It is a popular belief that someone’s Cat allergies are brought on by being in close proximity to a cat’s fur, this is not entirely the cause of the reaction. The allergens that people most react to actually come from the dead skin or dander that has fallen off the cat and can be found anywhere they actively roam, usually within the carpet or couch where they like to sleep and play.

The number of allergens can also increase due to the cat’s self-grooming habits. When a cat grooms itself allergens can also be found within the salivary glands or traces of urine, so when the cat is grooming it can actively be increasing the number of allergens that can cause complications and symptoms for someone suffering from cat allergies.

Usual Symptoms Of Cat Allergies (What to look for?)

Symptoms Of Cat Allergies

Symptoms for cat allergies can sometimes depend on how allergic they are, or how much exposure they are having to the allergens that can cause them issues. The usual symptoms for an allergic reaction to cats usually include sneezing, wheeziness, a runny or blocked/stuffy nose and irritation, or redness around the eyes. In some cases, rashes can appear in the face, neck, chest, and if you suffer from asthma this can also be caused or brought on for you.

If you show any of these symptoms when you are in close proximity to cats it could be likely that you have a cat allergy, its always best to seek help from a medical professional on the best way to deal with these symptoms. Prevention in most cases is usually a better option than looking for a cure, which is why if you show symptoms or have cat allergies your best option is to ensure you avoid and lower your exposure to allergens that can cause your symptoms.

If you believe you have cat allergies and currently own a cat there are things you can do to reduce your exposure to cat allergens. By thoroughly cleaning on a regular basis the areas of your home that the cat resides, this will help reduce the number of allergens found within your home in the form of dead skin or dander. It’s important to know that if you wash your hands after stroking the cat this can also reduce your risk of showing symptoms. Regularly bathing or grooming your cat and restricting its movement in areas such as your bedroom can also reduce the number of allergens found within the carpet or in the air.

Do all breeds of Cats Cause Allergies?

Do All Breeds Of Cats Cause Allergies

Its popular belief that there are a few cat breeds considered to be hypoallergenic. Cats that are believed to be hypoallergenic typically produce fewer allergens in there saliva and sebaceous glands which means if they are grooming themselves or wandering around the house, they are leaving less dander or fur that can contain the allergens and have less of an effect on anyone suffering from cat allergies.

For example, two breeds of a cat which are considered hypoallergenic are Balinese and Siberian cats. They are very popular among cat owners who have cat allergies or have family members suffering from the symptoms. Of course, there are many other breeds of cats that appear to be hypoallergenic. However this cannot be guaranteed due to the nature of how the allergens are produced and it relies on the environment in which the cat is living, and also the person who may be affected or have an allergic reaction.

The first thing you should know before looking to adopt any breed of cat is how to deal with and prevent the symptoms. Some cat owners report that even with a cat that is not considered hypoallergenic they are able to reduce any issues caused by cat allergies simply by keeping in constant check with there cat’s health, grooming, and also by ensuring the environment they live in is cleaned regularly.

Are Maine Coons Hypoallergenic? (Yes / NO?)

Are Maine Coons Hypoallergenic

Maine Coon cats are simply the most loving, adorable and caring cat breed you can own. However, due to their grooming habits, long fur, and allergens found within saliva.

The answer to are Maine Coons hypoallergenic is no, Maine Coon Cats are not hypoallergenic. While this may be an issue for some, many people around the world own Maine Coon cats despite minor symptoms relating to cat allergies.

Of course, suffering from cat allergies is not ideal, however, if you learn and research ways in which to improve your ability to deal with the allergens any cat may produce. This will help you still own and manage your cat’s living environment effectively and ensure you both have a good quality of life.

If you are looking to adopt or own and Maine Coon cat and you have never owned one before, we would highly recommend seeking out friends or family that already own cats and experiencing them first hand to see if you show any sign of being allergic to cats. Alternatively, you can talk to breeders or places in which you are able to adopt Maine Coons and seek advice on how to deal with cat allergies if they arise.